The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

MothersUnion1Mothers' Union knits together families in Norfolk

From refugee resettlement to making face masks for NHS staff, Mothers’ Union members in Norfolk are helping to provide vital community services. 

During the Covid 19 Pandemic, Mothers' Union members made knitted hearts and colourful crosses for hospitals in Norfolk and Waveney, which were well received. Others set to work making facemasks and other items to be used by NHS staff.

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation with more than 4 million members worldwide. The backbone of Mothers’ Union is its worldwide network of volunteers, with their shared vision of promoting flourishing relationships and stable family life, where children are protected and can thrive.
Volunteers give generously to help others, whether by running local projects, supporting international campaigns, or fundraising to sustain family life through projects at home and abroad. This is all underpinned with active prayer. 

Across the Norwich Diocese there are hundreds of Mothers’ Union members, many of whom volunteer in their parishes and beyond.  
Over recent years members have been involved in a successful campaign to resettle Syrian Refugees in Norwich. They have also raised funds to buy bedding for the homes the families move into. Teams of volunteers have helped prepare the homes by making up the beds in readiness for their arrival and left a card of welcome too.
Our organisation is part of the Modern Slavery Collaboration Network headed up by St Thomas Trust, working with other organisations to fight modern slavery here in Norfolk. Members have also received training and resources from the Clewer Initiative to further help in this aim.
As well as this, members hold many fundraising events to support Mothers’ Union development work with families both overseas and at home. In this area, Mothers’ Union provides the ‘Away From It All’ holiday scheme for disadvantaged UK families. We work closely with both professional referrers who recommend the families and Haven Holidays who provide the accommodation. 

MothersUnion2Every Christmas, Mothers’ Union, in partnership with Prison Fellowship, run the ‘Angel Tree’ project which organises Christmas presents to be bought and delivered to children who have a parent serving time. Member support involves raising funds and in December a team of volunteers attempt the mammoth task of wrapping a multitude of gifts.

Mothers’ Union continues to have a presence at a number of wedding shows throughout the year and has a strong to desire to encourage and promote wedding services in churches. 

Alongside this is a vibrant prayer and worship calendar of events and social policy campaigning at a national and international level.
If you would like get involved with Mothers’ Union, and maybe find out how to set up a branch in your parish, contact the Mothers’ Union office on 01603 882003 or email munorwich@googlemail.com

Registered Charity No: 249682

Pictured above is a thank you card from the Norfolk and Norwich University chaplaincy for crosses made by the Mothers' Union, and members preparing the Angel Tree presents.


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