The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Archbishop speaks of rural Church significance

RowanWilliamsPulpit1Web2010: The Archbishop of Canterbury (right) has visited one of Norfolk’s smallest churches and its biggest when he spoke about the significance of the Church to today's rural communities and gave his thoughts on poetry and prayer.
The Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, spoke at Sharrington's All Saints' Church, on Friday April 30, to a packed congregation and said: “The rural Church is a reminder of what the human experience is like in this place, in this time.

“The community is not just the people who are there at any given moment. Who you are is bound up by far more than you can see and even imagine. History, death, belonging; great truths of humanity which are encoded in this building.”
The following day, the Archbishop spoke at Norwich Cathedral about the relationship between poetry and prayer alongside fellow poet Ruth Padel, great-great granddaughter of Charles Darwin.


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