
Convert Nissar tells his story at Norwich dinner 

Nissar Hussain, a high profile convert from Islam to Christianity, who has suffered persecution for his decision, was the speaker at the Christmas dinner of the Norwich FGB on December 13 in Norwich.

From a Pakistani/Kashmiri Muslim background, Nissar was born and raised in Birmingham. He became a Christian as a teenager. His parents were shocked, and he became quiet about his faith until his brother’s tragic and untimely death.
Nissar recommitted to Christ, and ‘would not remain silent’. He subsequently endured intense persecution from Muslim fundamentalists; his car was smashed up on occasions, his home was set on fire, and he was beaten up and taken to hospital with multiple fractures. His response? – “I will not stay silent’. He has subsequently appeared on the Christian Revelation TV.
Norwich FGB president, Barrie Lawrence, says: “Come and hear Nissar’s outstanding testimony, after enjoying turkey and traditional Christmas dinner with us. Do bring your friends, and especially any who do not yet know Jesus.”
The dinner is 7pm for 7.30pm at the City Suite, Mercure Hotel, Boundary Road, Norwich NR3 2AB on Monday December 13. The cost is £15 to include a two-course Christmas dinner.
For more information, contact Barrie Lawrence at or 07786 381344 for further details or to book.
Pictured above is Nissar Hussain.

Published: 09/11/2021