The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

God uses the little to achieve great things 

holding plant 397SXRegular columnist Alison Hill has discovered that God anoints the little that we have to offer in order to achieve great things.

Before David was anointed as Israel’s next king he was known as a brave man, a warrior, well-spoken and able to play the harp (1 Samuel 16:18). Little did David know that his least important quality would be the one that was used powerfully, enabling him to be presented to the king.
How often do we dismiss those qualities that we consider as unimportant in the plans and purposes of God for our lives? As David played the harp, he did  not realise that his faithfulness would lead to an even greater opportunity. During this time of service, Saul saw David’s heart and “liked him very much” v21. His time with Saul was well spent, until another opportunity came along for David to use the little that he had to bring about a great victory for Israel.
As David delivered the fatal blow to Goliath, his sling shot seemed the most unlikely weapon for God to use to bring victory. David’s skill with this basic weapon was offered to God in a time of war. David knew that without God he didn’t stand a chance. We must never look at our own ability in our relationship with God, we must look at the little we have and trust that God will anoint it.
David displayed great humility as he bravely presented his chosen weapon of warfare. David had already been mocked by his eldest brother: “And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert.” (1 Samuel 17:28).
Eliab’s intention was to belittle David and yet David’s strength of character shone through as he took no notice of his brother’s taunts. To continue to believe in yourself with no encouragement from those around you is not easy.
David’s courage and humility was outstanding as he refused to wear the King’s armour. He was surrounded by the armies of Israel, armed with only a slingshot to defeat Goliath. Even though we don’t read the comments of the onlookers in scripture, we can guess that they must have been making mocking comments to one another, waiting for David to die at the hand of this giant. After all, if they couldn’t kill Goliath there was no way this young lad armed with such an insignificant weapon could achieve anything.
If we look throughout scripture we will find many other stories in which God brought about great victories, using the little His children could bring into different situations.
Then Samson said, “With a donkey’s jawbone I have made donkeys of them. With a donkey’s jawbone I have killed a thousand men.” Judges 15:16
“So Moses took the staff from the Lord’s presence, just as he commanded him. He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank.” Numbers 20:9-11

Over the years, I have occasionally been used by God to sing out a prophetic song during a church service. It is not my natural gifting and yet with the anointing on it, anything is possible. I have been surprised by how much better my voice sounds with the anointing. This has given me the courage to move forward in obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in all areas.
So no matter how small our ability, God can bring blessing, increase and victory if he so chooses. What do you have in your hand that God can use for His Glory?

The image above is courtesy of Eduardo Schafer on www.freeimages.com

Alison Hill CF 150Alison Hill has been involved in Christian ministry for twenty five years and attends her local church in Kings Lynn, Norfolk.
She runs Butterfly Ministries, offering Christian workshops to churches, conferences, small and large gatherings, bringing teaching that encourages growth in all areas of Christian life. She is also an author, now writing her third book.
She believes that Christianity is about walking with God daily and learning about His ways through His Word and hearing His voice. 


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