The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

St Andrews flower fest 2018 RN

Success for Sheringham Methodists flower festival

2018: A well-earned rest is being taken by all involved in organising and helping to stage the "Golden Moments" special 50th anniversary flower festival held at St Andrew's Methodist Church Sheringham from July 5 to 8.

Graham Simms from St Andrews said “This special festival event was an enormous success with over 3000 visitors, ranging from five weeks to over 100 years old. Everyone admired the exceptional talent of the flower arrangers who interpreted 24 Golden moment events over the past 50 years with stunning arrangements overflowing with colour creativity and beauty, all enhanced by organists providing background music. A huge thank you to all involved and to all those who visited.”
St Andrews flower fest 2018 juThere was also a Fairtrade stall at the festival.  Brenda Smith, from the Fairtrade for Sheringham group, said “We met and chatted to many visitors, and sold a variety of goods, meaning that the farmers and craft workers in the developing world will get a fair price for their products. Also, we are sending £53 to the Fairtrade charity Traidcraft Exchange, helping marginalised people in the developing world to improve their livelihood.by perhaps changing their main crop from rice to tea.”
The cafeteria and stalls were kept busy throughout the festival, as folk enjoyed a chat and refreshments and a browse around the various stalls. The event raised a net total of £10,996.10 and from this a donation of £1,100 was given to Sheringham R.N.L.I who were the designated charity for the 2018 festival.
Photos of each arrangement will shortly be available at  www.sheringhammethodist.org.uk 
Pictures of 2 of the arrangements are shown: "Queens Golden Jubilee", right, and "Rescue by Lifeboat" , top.

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

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