The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Simon speaks at Norfolk mental health conference 

Norfolk Christian TV presenter Simon Thomas, who faced his own battle with mental ill health following the death of his wife in 2017, has urged people not to "suffer in silence".

Sharing his experiences as part of an EDP Open Up virtual conference on the issue of mental health, on Friday (February 12), he said his father (a former Norfolk clergyman) had died during the pandemic, giving him an insight into coping with grief in lockdown.
The Open Up conference saw debates and panels on various topic related to mental health, including nutrition, wellbeing in the workplace and a radio debate with panellists.
“There is never an easy or ideal time to lose someone but this is particularly tough,” Simon told the conference. “Holding your dad’s hand as he nears the end with a rubber glove on is not ideal, but at least we got to see him. His funeral was very small but at least we got to be there. I recognise there are people who haven’t even had that. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard that is.”
Simon urged people to seek help. “Don’t be too proud to reach out, pick up the phone and keep talking.”
Read more about the conference on EDP24.

Read our previous story about Simon Thomas here.
Pictured above, Simon Thomas speaking at Soul Church in Norwich in 2018.

Keith Morris, 14/02/2021

Keith Morris
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