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A call to pray for our care homes 

The Call to Prayer ministry invites Christians in Norfolk and beyond to join in focussed prayer this week for some of the most vulnerable areas of our community.

Just as Moses lifted up his hands towards heaven in the midst of the battle, may we raise ours together to support those most at risk in these times.

Our care homes

We pray for all those in our care homes. Lord, at this difficult time will you make a way
for families to be able to stay in contact with them. Father, we ask that you draw near 
to each one and that each person will know that they have a God in heaven who loves them.
Lord, we thank you for everyone that cares and looks after them.
We speak blessing over each one and ask that you will protect them all.
In Jesus Name

We proclaim that God is our shield and will keep us from fear.

The lonely and vulnerable

Lord, we ask that you draw near to the lonely and vulnerable. We pray that neighbours
will show acts of kindness towards them.
Father, we ask that they would sense your presence and that they would know that you
are with them and they are not alone.
We pray that you will comfort them and give them peace.

Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay 


Eldred Willey, 23/04/2020

Published: 23/04/2020
Eldred Willey